Pontari Productions' DOF_Blur Copyright 1997 Pontari Productions. All rights reserved. This is a plugin image filter for LightWave 5.0 It implments a Depth Of Focus filter effect by using NULL objects to set the focus area and then bluring area's outside of that focus area. This SGI port was done by Marvin Landis (marvinl@amber.rc.arizona.edu) from the source for the Intel and Alpha versions. Marvin has this to say about installing: I have found that I have to add the Layout plugins manually to the .lwrc file, they aren't saved there automatically after loading a plugin from the Options panel (they load fine from there, they just aren't saved in the config file). It does require LightWave 5.0 for SGI. It will add a new image filter called DOF_Blur To the Effects->Image Processing_Image Filter Plug-ins panel. With it you pick a near and a far object for the focus. Objects before the near are blured, objects after the far are blured. If you don't pick an object that field won't be used. The Depth of focus area is the amount of ramp up or down before reaching the full level of blur you specify. The amount of blur is really the size of the convolution. That's it. The source is also avaiable in case your interested, check our web pages for details. Be sure to check out Pontari's LightWave web pages http://www.pontari.com/pontari/lightwave And buy Super Glow. /pontari/lightwave And buy Super Glow.